Over the past twenty years, Louisa has impacted more than 100,000 people globally by sharing her message and passion for mental wellness.

Louisa’s work has been featured in prominent media outlets such as CBC Radio, Forbes, Fast Company, Oprah Magazine, The Globe and Mail, Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and CTV. She hosts The Awesome Project, an Audible Originals Podcast series, and authored the bestseller Wire Your Brain for Confidence: The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt.

Free Resources for YOU


The Awesome Project

Each episode dives into a new topic in positive psychology, providing evidence-based insights and practical strategies to empower you to live your most awesome life.


The Newsletter

The Weekly Juice is our weekly newletter that delivers practical strategies to boost your wellbeing straight to your inbox every Tuesday.


Free Chapter of my Book

This is your guide from fear to courage and teaches you how to conquer big goals, helping you to flourish in every area of your life.


The Rumination-Cure

Your seven-step roadmap to eliminate those repetitive negative voices in your head.

Video Blogs

  • What to Do When Other People Try to Make You Feel Guilty.

    There's those people in our lives who are always trying to make us feel guilty. They may not be doing it on purpose, but you know they want something from you and are not afraid to make you feel bad if you don't live up to what they want. Watch part 1 here

  • Two Powerful Words That Can Stop Those Nasty Ruminations

    Do you find when something negative happens you can think about it over and over again? This is known as ruminating and it’s very common, especially for women. In this episode, I answer Nicole’s question by sharing one simple tool you can use to help you stop ruminating.

  • 3 Tools to Stop Catastrophizing

    Catastrophizing is when you get worried that something will happen in the future, and you start to imagine every worse-case scenario that could come about. That is, instead of being realistic about what might happen, you actually start to engage in catastrophic thinking, taking it to the extreme.

  • How to Significantly Improve Your Relationships in 30 Seconds

    I share my favorite tool in positive psychology for building and improving relationships. I share 3 ways people commonly respond to good news and how they can be destructive to a relationship. Then I share how to give an Active Constructive Response, which is the the type of response that actually improves relationships.

  • Don't Be Nice!

    We always feel that we have to be 'nice' all the time. Especially women are taught 'be nice' all the time. But that sometimes stops us from putting our needs first. You can still be kind and supportive without being nice. In this video I share a strategy for saying no to things you don't want to do just because you're trying to be nice.

  • I'm Going to Burning Man!

    Yes, you heard that right. I'm off to Burning Man. Burning Man, in a nutshell, is a festival that takes place once a year in the Nevada desert. 80,000 people will come together to play for a week. But there is another reason to go to Burning Man. Burning an effigy of a man is a symbol of letting something go - saying good-bye to what is not serving you anymore. Do you need to let something go and move on?

  • The Three Good Things Exercise with the Sterling Hall School

    Watch how Sterling Hall School improved student happiness by implementing the Three Good Things exercise in positive psychology.

For many more free resources, subscribe to my YouTube channel

Media Interviews

Podcast Interviews

  • Your Dream Life with Kristina Karlsson

    Wire your Brain for Confidence: The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt, with Louisa Jewell

  • The Wellbeing Lab

    Is Self-doubt Undermining Your Creativity with Louisa Jewell


Please contact Louisa using the contact form.